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The Wrap: Will ‘The Hunger Games’ Help To Boost Spring Box Office Sales In USA?

Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen

While box office revenues in 2011 was not satisfactory due to bad economy in United States of America, box office revenues of US$964.4 million from January 1 to February 5 2012, while isn’t as good as 2010’s US$1.2 billion, is much better than 2011’s US$866.1 million.

People in the business are telling The Wrap they believe ‘The Hunger Games’ will help to boost Spring box office sales further and to “open in the $70- to $75-million range”.

Replicating the box office performance of “Avatar” or “Alice in Wonderland” will be difficult, but Lionsgate’s adaptation of the best-selling novel “The Hunger Games” has franchise written all over it.

“The crown jewel of spring is ‘Hunger Games,’” a rival studio executive told TheWrap. “The debate is: will it be as big as everyone thinks it’s going to be. I’d be shocked if it doesn’t at least open in the $70- to $75-million range.”

An analyst with Wunderlich Securities, Matthew Harrigan, told Bloomberg he is predicting ‘The Hunger Games’ movie to gross around US$200 million in terms of box office sales in United States of America. This number is an increase from the US$170 million as well as US$150 million which analysts had previously told Deadline their predictions for ‘The Hunger Games’ movie in United States of America. Lionsgate had also stated before ‘The Hunger Games’ will have to rake in at least US$100 million box office revenues in United States of America before they will consider making sequels.

What do you think about their predictions? How much do you think ‘The Hunger Games’ movie will be able to earn in USA box office sales? Tell us your predictions by leaving a comment below!

‘The Hunger Games’ will be released in Singapore on 22 March 2012.

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Katniss Everdeen Character Poster Makes It To EW’s 25 Best Movie Posters of 2011

Katniss Character Poster

This Katniss Everdeen character poster makes it to the EW’s “25 Best Movie Posters of 2011” on Number 25. Here’s what EW has to say about this poster:

25. The Hunger Games

It’s just a teaser profile shot of Jennifer Lawrence as the film’s heroine Katniss Everdeen — one of a series of profile shots of the main characters in this wildly anticipated adaptation of Suzanne Collins’ best-seller. But consider us very well teased indeed.

Head over to EW to see which other posters makes it to the Best and Worst 2011 list.

Many thanks to Amandla Stenberg Facebook page for the tip! She will be playing Rue in ‘The Hunger Games’!

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@HungerGamesSG) as well as ‘Like’ us on Facebook for the latest updates!

Lionsgate Wishes All ‘The Hunger Games’ Fans Happy Holidays

With holidays around the corner, Lionsgate came up with this very cool motion picture wishing all and ‘The Hunger Games’ alike “Happy Holidays”. I’m especially loving the burning Mockingjay pin ornament with the snowy background. Not to forget the cool “from our Districts to yours” line too!

Check out the animated version over at Lionsgate.

We would like to wish all a very happy holidays too!

Many thanks to Hunger Games Network for the tip.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@HungerGamesSG) as well as ‘Like’ us on Facebook for the latest updates!

Catch ‘Orphan’ In Cinemas During Golden Village Horrothon 2011 Edition

Isabelle Fuhrman will be gracing the big screens in Singapore on March 23, 2012, as Clove in ‘The Hunger Games’. Before you get to see her as the District 2 Tribute, here’s a chance to see her acting chops in cinemas!

Golden Village is hosting a “Horrothon 2011 Edition – The kids are not quite right!” on 28 October 2011, Friday, at Golden Village Plaza Singapura.

The horrothon will kick off with the year 2009 movie, ‘Orphan’, which features Isabelle Fuhrman playing the 9 years old orphan named Esther who was adopted by a family. However, it appears that Esther is perhaps not as nice and innocent as she seemed to be…

The horrothon will then be followed by the ‘Insidious’ that was released last year and ending with 2011 thriller, ‘Dream House’.

This is a good chance if you like horror movies and would like to see Isabelle Fuhrman on the big screens before ‘The Hunger Games’.

For more information, check out here.

-Vanora (Admin)

‘The Hunger Games’ Teaser Poster, Motion Poster, Countdown Widget And Official Website

This is yet another of our catching up post since these notable revelations had happened before Hunger Games Singapore is 100% on the track.

First of all, if you haven’t check out ‘The Hunger Games’ official movie website yet, you should totally do so now!

The Hunger Games Countdown Widget
Unfortunately, WordPress does not allows embedding of flash items so to get the code for this widget can be found at ‘The Hunger Games’ official movie website.

The Hunger Games Motion Poster
Unfortunately, WordPress does not allows embedding of flash items so to get the code for the motion poster can be found at ‘The Hunger Games’ official movie website. You can also see the motion poster in action at Yahoo! Movies where it first debuted on July 19, 2011.

A day after The Hunger Games motion poster made its debut, Lionsgate released the first ever official teaser poster on their official The Hunger Games movie Facebook page.

Check it out after the jump!

The Hunger Games Official Teaser Movie Poster

You should really click on that cool teaser poster above for the full sized version so you can ogle at it. It’s huge!

That’s the end of this catching up article! If you haven’t watch the first official The Hunger Games teaser trailer yet, you should totally go ahead and check it out here!


“The Hunger Games” Battles Its Way Up To HitFix No. 1

“The Hunger Games” tops this week HitFix’s Movie Power rankings, beating out other highly anticipated movies such as “The Dark Knight Rises” and “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn”.

Check out first five movies on the list below:

1. “Hunger Games” ( Last week: No. 5 )
I’ve been out in the woods for days! Can’t one of my sponsors drop a parachute with a rough-cut of the trailer or an EPK or something?

2. “The Dark Knight Rises” ( Last week: No. 6 )
With constant set-crashing threatening security, director Christopher Nolan (“Inception”) reportedly refuses to even write down the ending of the final film in his Batman trilogy. Maybe he doesn’t have one? Just kidding, you know he’s cooking up something good.

3. “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn” ( Last week: No. 1 )
Robert Pattinson: Rock star? Taylor Lautner: Action star? However those career choices pan out, they’ll always have Forks.

4. “Man of Steel” ( Last week: No. 8 )
Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot leaves Chicago and heads to the Great White North, with shooting commencing in British Columbia, Truth, justice and the Canadian way? Plus, more Zod costume photos have leaked.

5. Steven Spielberg ( Last week: Not ranked )
With two high-profile film coming out in the next few months (“The War Horse” and “The Adventures of Tintin”), Spielberg still found time to win the PGA’s David O. Selznick Award. Plus, there’s the whole “Lincoln” movie he’s working on, now with more Jackie Earle Haley.

Do head over to HitFix to see which other movies made up the next ten movies of the Top 15 Power Movie Rankings list!

Source: HitFix.


The Hunger Games Trilogy Increases Scholastic’s Earnings

In a call held with investors and analysts regarding Scholastic’s earnings for this first quarter of the commercial year, “The Hunger Games” trilogy was often credited as one of the reasons Scholastic’s earnings is increasing.

We’re pleased to have achieved a strong start to fiscal 2012, putting us on plan to meet this year’s financial goals … Third, best-selling Scholastic books and e-books, including The Hunger Games trilogy, drove double-digit percentage growth in retail sales.

… In Trade, sales increased 10% from a year ago driven by several best-selling Scholastic series. First, The Hunger Games trilogy continues to sell very strongly in both e-book and print formats, partly driven by enthusiasm for the first movie in the series due out next March.

… We believe the continued success of our best-selling series, our pipeline of new titles, including Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick and The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, as well as the release of much anticipated movie versions of War Horse, The Hunger Games and The Invention of Hugo Cabret, will drive continued strong sales over the course of the year.

… Just as we have grown education sales over the past 10 years with new digital products and solutions, we continued moving forward to profitably grow Scholastic’s Children’s Books businesses through e-books and e-commerce …Scholastic’s own publishing remains a key source of best-selling quality books for our eReader as evidenced by the success of series like The Hunger Games.

I’m sure once “The Hunger Games” comes out in March 23, 2012, the publicity will drive more people to purchase the books to see what’s the fuss about besides watching the movie in cinemas and theatres alike!

Sources: The Hob Org via Scholastic.


Lenny Kravitz On The Cover of Delta Sky Magazine

Amanda, an admin over at The Hob Org was on a flight and discovered Lenny Kravitz being featured on Delta Sky Magazine with a short mention on how he had gotten the role of Cinna in “The Hunger Games”.

Without an audition, Ross offered him the plum role of Cinna, the fashion adviser to the main character, Katniss. “I’m like, ‘I’d be honored.’ And then he says, ‘Starring Jennifer Lawrence.’ Which is great because she was in X-Men with my daughter. They were filming in London, so they would come over on the Eurostar to Paris – seven or eight of them from the cast would come – and crash at the house for days at a time, and it was fun.” Kravitz literally shrugs here. “And Gary says, ‘Oh so you’ve already been kind of looking after her – that’s great.’”

Do head over to Delta Sky Magazine to check out more photos of Lenny Kravitz in Bahamas!

Sources: The Hob Org with cover from Delta Sky Magazine.


Mingle Media TV Catches Up With Jacqueline Emerson

Mingle Media TV interviewed Jacqueline Emerson, who will be playing Foxface in “The Hunger Games” movie this coming March 23rd, while she was attending Emmy Awards Style Lounge. In the video, she talks about her hair, working in “The Hunger Games” and if she is going to be involved in anything in the future.

This is the first time I’m hearing her speaking and I must say she is so pleasant and her hair color doesn’t looks fake at all!

What do you think?

Don’t forget to leave a comment, follow us on Twitter and ‘like’ us on Facebook!

Source: Mingle Media TV via Down With The Capitol.


Amandla Stenberg Speaks About “Colombiana” and “The Hunger Games” With Dream Magazine

Amandla Stenberg, who will be playing Rue in “The Hunger Games” movie coming out in Singapore on March 23, 2012, spoke with Dream Magazine recently regarding her being involved in “Colombiana”, “The Hunger Games” and what got her into acting.

Amandla Stenberg

According to Yahoo! Movies Singapore:

At age 10, Cataleya Restrepo (Amandla Stenberg) witnesses the brutal murder of her parents by a Colombian drug lord Don Luis. Cataleya manages to escape the bullets of the assassin and reaches Chicago, where her gangster uncle, Emilio, lives. Emilio is doing his best to keep Cataleya (Zoe Saldana) out of the criminal life, but she is determined to become a professional killer. At 25, Cataleya (Zoe Saldana) has become a real killer operating on behalf of her uncle, but her sole desire is to find Don Luis and avenge the death of her parents.

Amandla Stenberg spoke about what it was like playing a a younger Zoe Saldana:

Dream: How was it portraying a younger Zoe Saldana?

Amandla: It was cool playing Zoe because we connected on a personal level, and then I got to “be” her on screen. I think this really helped my performance. To create the character of Cataleya, we talked about mannerisms and motives with the director, Olivier, and shared our own personal experiences. I loved her immediately. She’s so sweet and supportive. I was unable to go to the Colombiana premiere because I was working on the Hunger Games, but she called me right after watching it and filled me in.

Dream: Your role handled very hard topics… how did you put yourself in the character mindset to prepare yourself for this role?

Amandla: I think the character is very animalistic and very focused, so I thought of myself as a cat, very sleek and determined.

Amandla Stenberg also shared what it was like being part of “The Hunger Games” cast.

Dream: What would be your dream role?

Amandla: Besides Rue in the Hunger Games, I would love to play someone in the fashion industry. One of my favorite movies is The Devil Wears Prada because of the fashion and glamour, and the location, Paris! I’ve always wanted to go there, ever since I first read Madeline at age six.

Dream: You’re currently working on The Hunger Games, what’s it like to be part of a cast of a movie that is so highly anticipated?

Amandla: It’s surreal because I was such a big fan of the books before I even auditioned. When I heard that there was going to be a movie, I remember being so excited for the opening in March, never thinking I was going to be a part of the cast! To be playing Rue is such an honor, and I can’t wait to see the movie.

Head over Dream Magazine to read the full interview with Amandla Stenberg!

“Colombiana” is rated NC16 and will open in Singapore on September 28, 2011. “The Hunger Games” is not yet rated but it is scheduled to open in Singapore on March 23, 2011.

Source: Dream Magazine via Amandla Stenberg Facebook fanpage.
