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Poll: MTV Movie Brawl 2012 Final Round ‘Cosmopolis’ VS ‘The Hunger Games’

‘The Hunger Games’ managed to win the fight against ‘The Woman in Black’ in MTV Movie Brawl 2012.

You know what this means! ‘The Hunger Games’ is now in the final round of MTV Movie Brawl 2012 and pitted up against ‘Cosmopolis’

The last time we checked, ‘The Hunger Games’ is losing by around 22%! Multiple voting is allowed so head over to MTV Movie Brawl 2012 to help ‘The Hunger Games’ win!

‘The Hunger Games’ will be released in Singapore on 22 March 2012.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@HungerGamesSG) as well as ‘Like’ us on Facebook for the latest updates!

Poll: MTV Movie Brawl 2012 Round Four ‘The Hunger Games’ VS ‘The Woman in Black’

‘The Hunger Games’ has successfully beaten up ‘John Carter’ in Round Three of MTV Movie Brawl 2012 and advanced into Round Four of MTV Movie Brawl 2012 where ‘The Hunger Games’ is pitted against ‘The Woman in Black’.

Ladies and gentlemen, your trip to Mars has been postponed — all thanks to an unassuming archer named Katniss Everdeen.

“John Carter’s” valiant quest for MTV Movie Brawl 2012 supremacy has finally come to an end, after rounds and rounds of the Taylor Kitsch-led movie surpassing expectations and cracking into the Elite Eight. Alas, in the end, it was no match for the top-ranked “Hunger Games,” which continues on its expected path towards the final round.

Tributes have had an easier time in the brawl for it all than most competitors, but the “Hunger Games” may have finally met its match in the form of a former boy wizard. Indeed, “The Woman in Black” has been on a tear, unexpectedly toppling “Snow White and the Huntsman” in the Sweet 16 and “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” in the Elite 8. Daniel Radcliffe fans can hold their heads high as they march forward through the brawl. But with an epic battle between “Hunger Games” and “Woman in Black” now underway, the decision of who moves onto the final round is completely in your hands. Who continues in this competition: the fan-favorite, or the dark horse?

Show MTV your love for ‘The Hunger Games’ by heading over to Round Four of MTV Movie Brawl 2012 and vote for ‘The Hunger Games’ now! Multiple voting is allowed for this poll.

‘The Hunger Games’ will be released in Singapore on 22 March 2012.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@HungerGamesSG) as well as ‘Like’ us on Facebook for the latest updates!

Poll: MTV Movie Brawl 2012 – Round Three

‘The Hunger Games’ has made it through to Round Three of MTV Movie Brawl 2012 after beating out ‘Prometheus’ in Round Two.

‘The Hunger Games’ is now up against ‘John Carter’ in Round Three of MTV Movie Brawl 2012. Though ‘The Hunger Games’ has a great head start, ‘John Carter’ is not giving in and is slowly but steadily catching up!

Multiple voting is allowed so head over to Round Three of MTV Movie Brawl 2012 and vote for ‘The Hunger Games’ now!

‘The Hunger Games’ will be released in Singapore on 22 March 2012.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@HungerGamesSG) as well as ‘Like’ us on Facebook for the latest updates!

Poll: MTV Movie Brawl 2012 – Round Two

Remember we asked you to vote for ‘The Hunger Games’ in Round One of MTV’s Movie Brawl 2012 which was formally known as MTV Movie Smackdown 2012?

‘The Hunger Games’ has made it to Round Two and is now up against ‘Prometheus’!

MTV Movie Brawl 2012 Round Two

Are you excited about ‘The Hunger Games’? Can’t wait for ‘The Hunger Games’ movie to be released? Do you want ‘The Hunger Games’ to win and enter Round 3 of MTV Movie Brawl 2012? Show your support for ‘The Hunger Games’ by heading over to MTV now and vote for ‘The Hunger Games’! Multiple voting is allowed for this poll!

‘The Hunger Games’ will be released in Singapore on 22 March 2012.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@HungerGamesSG) as well as ‘Like’ us on Facebook for the latest updates!

Poll: MTV Movie Smackdown 2012 – Round One

Round One of MTV Movie Smackdown 2012 has officially begun!

MTV Movie Smackdown 2012

From the list of 32 movies in the poll, vote for the movie you are most excited about in 2012!

You’ll be able to fight for your movie of choice in this play-in round until voting closes on Sunday (January 8). Starting next week, we’ll be down to 16 movies. That’s when our Smackdown bracket launches and the 16 flicks will start going head-to-head, March Madness-style, in single-elimination contests — until only one movie reigns supreme.

As a Hunger Games fansite, we do strongly encourage all our readers to vote for ‘The Hunger Games’ to show your support!

Head over to Round One of MTV Movie Smackdown 2012 to cast your vote right now!

Don’t forget to vote for ‘The Hunger Games’ in Access Hollywood Most Anticipated Movie in 2012 poll too!

‘The Hunger Games’ will be released in Singapore on 22 March 2012.

Do follow us on Twitter (@HungerGamesSG) as well as ‘Like’ us on Facebook for the latest updates!